Covenant Lutheran's Guiding Principles
We identify and share our spiritual gifts. Part of coming together is also realizing and accepting that we are all different. Some of us are prayers or crafters or thinkers and/or leaders. Where our greatest gifts meet the world’s greatest need... that's where God is calling us to be who we are.
Our church is faith in action. James reminds us to be “doers of the word.” God’s Word only makes sense when we are doing it; when we are actually feeding, healing, teaching, sharing , loving and forgiving. Jesus unites us for a reason. That is why we are here. |
Jesus is the Way. Jesus proclaimed "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life" John 14:6. We believe that following Jesus is a way of life. And learning and living this way of life is what we are about at Covenant. God's Grace is a gift freely given. Lutherans are known for Grace. In short, Grace means that God saved us. If it all depended on us, we would be in trouble. But God loved us first and frees us to love one another. It is a gift and we can accept it or not. We can share it or not. Hopefully we do both. We pray and listen for the Holy Spirit's guidance. The early church was founded on prayer and we are called to pray. We don’t just start with prayer or end with prayer. We are constantly praying and listening for God’s guidance. And sometime we are amazed by the freedom prayer offers. We study God's Word together. Jesus said wherever two or more are gathered, I am there with them. Have you ever read the Bible and wondered what God was thinking? As we read God's Word together, we realize it is a Living Word for us today. And we help each other sort out our questions. And life happens! |